воскресенье, 14 июня 2009 г.

sport and buisness

I consider, that business should help development and popularization of kinds of sports. It should give material means for maintenance of carrying out of competitions and high-grade trainings of sportsmen. Also owners of the large enterprises should encourage and give money for the various actions, concerning popularizations of sports, physical training, a healthy way of life. However business should not climb in internal affairs of any kind of sports at all.

вторник, 9 июня 2009 г.

smart home proposal1

The elegant house, in my understanding, represents a three-tier cottage on the seacoast, constructed of a white stone. On a ground floor there is a garage, kitchen, a sauna, a pantry. On the second floor - a drawing room-dining room, musical interior, a cabinet and an output on the big balcony with a kind on the sea. On the third floor there are bedrooms, toilet and bathrooms. About the house - a cosy garden with bushes and colors, and also - pool with mineral water. It is pleasant to live and receive visitors in such house.